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The daily search for places Features
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Mobile, Web, Information, Application, Abonnements, Services
Published on 2022/04/02 04:54 AM

We regularly need in our daily life to search for places, to locate them and to get the itinerary in order to go there if we want. These searches can concern a place of entertainment like a place to go out to spend the evening for example, or the place of a cultural or sports event which we decided to attend. But they can also concern amenities or places where we have to go for professional reasons. Let's see how we usually proceed and how Thoughts Box can sometimes help you...

Entertainment and leisure places

To search for a place of entertainment, you do your search using your favorite search engine with the type of place you want while integrating the locality in your keywords. Thus, among the results you get are sometimes places that no longer exist or are permanently closed, too far from the place in or around which you want to find them or simply the number of results is not satisfactory. Moreover, you have among the results of the comparison sites mixed with the private sites of some of these places and establishments.

So, in order to find all the information you need, from the address to the itinerary to the opening hours, you need to sort through all the search results and do several searches before you have all the information you need.

What if you could do all these operations in two clicks and with the same application ? It is now possible thanks to Thoughts Box.

Thoughts Box application allows you, once you have chosen your type of place, to directly display the ones closest to your position, to enter the locality around which to search and to specify the radius of the results. Then, with one click you can access some additional details and display the route.

Searching for places of convenience

When you are on the move, whether it is personal or professional, you may regularly need to find places, whether you have appointments or you are simply looking for a convenience or a service of some kind, you often need reliable information and above all you need to get it quickly. For example, if you are looking for a store or a store to get some emergency supplies or if you are looking for a gas station nearby to refuel immediately, it is quite inconvenient to perform this kind of search on the web through a search engine and to easily know how to get to the chosen destination.

In this situation, Thoughts Box will be useful. In just two clicks you can display all the gas stations around you, make sure that the fuel you are looking for is available and finally display the route to get there from your location.

Thoughts Box is a unique application to find all the places you need and look for on a daily basis and the route to get there in just a few clicks. And you can save your favorite places in your account favorites so you can easily find them whenever you need them. So choose your subscriptions according to the places you regularly look for and always keep Thoughts Box at hand by making it an ally in your daily life...

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