All the ideas for your next activities on the web or on your mobile...

Compose an application to your image...

Start by choosing your interests and the subscriptions that interest you from the list of available subscriptions

Choose the subscription you wish to consult...

Get suggestions for places, activities and ideas in your chosen areas of interest and leisure... Adjust the location results by adjusting your position and the radius of your results and then view the route to get there from your position

Get more details on the suggestions...

Once you have chosen your venue or found your idea, get more information on how to watch the film you have chosen, how to get the physical media, or how to get to the event or venue you have selected...

Many features for each of the subscriptions...

Geolocation and route planning

You can directly search for places in the chosen category that are located around you thanks to geolocation... Then consult the itinerary to get there...

Powerful search tool

Search for a work whether it is a movie, a series or a book if the suggestions do not suit you...

All the necessary information whatever the chosen subscription...


Consult the list of available events near you

Access the box office if it is still open or if seats are still available

Get directions to the venue

Cinema and series

Post nearby movie theatres so that you can go and see the films being shown

Check their availability on VOD platforms

Order in a few clicks your physical media on an online store


Consult the list of bookstores or libraries near your location to purchase or borrow a book

Order it directly online in a few clicks


Consult the list of ingredients necessary for the preparation of dishes, desserts and drinks

Find a store quickly to get the ones you need

Video games

Consult the list of video game stores near your location to get a video game

Order it directly online in a few clicks