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Events Events
Available since 2022/04/02 05:22 PM

Check out upcoming events in your area or near your vacation spot to plan an upcoming day or evening...

Get some suggestions among various events including concerts, art exhibitions and theatrical performances. The suggestions displayed by default are independent of your location. If these suggestions are not convenient for you, you can post upcoming events that will take place near your home or the location of your choice.

Among the localized events, you can also choose to extend or reduce the geographical radius of the results. Once you have made your choice, you will see the name of the event, the name of the place where it will take place, the complete address and the distance between you and the geographical point or address you have entered. At the same time you can see its position on the map in relation to the geographical point of reference, by default your location.

You can also use the search engine to look for a specific event or to get results that match your keywords...

Learn more about each event by displaying the type of event it is, the dates it was held, its description, practical information about it and the prices of seats or tickets. You will also be able to access in one click the platform allowing you to check the availability of seats and, if necessary, to book your tickets...

Finally, consult the reviews and ratings if there are any and add a note if you wish or add the event to your favorites to find it more easily. If you want to go there, you can also display the itinerary and the corresponding roadmap...